RACE Resources

RACE Surveys Explainer this two-page pdf summarises the purpose of our housing needs surveys, gives some context and background information on the terms and language used and what happens once the survey has been carried out: RACE Housing Needs Surveys

Local Needs Housing Explainer this two-page pdf gives a good overview of what the term ‘local needs housing’ actually means. It’s useful for Parish Council meetings and community groups starting to think about ways of providing homes for people with a strong local connection to the area: Local Needs Housing Explainer

Our Local Needs Housing Process Map also helps to show the pathway to the creation of the homes: Local Needs Housing Process Map

This Community Led Housing Explainer gives a brief intro to the different types of community led housing and its benefits, and also details how RACE can support community groups seeking to create their own housing: Community Led Housing Explainer

A case study of Shepherdswell Community Land Trust that created 10 homes for local people in a rural village near Dover in Kent in a first-of-its-kind partnership with a housing association.


Useful links: 

National CLT Network

UK Cohousing

Confederation of Cooperative Housing

Radical Routes

Kent HomeChoice


Social Interest Group


The New Homes Fact Sheets, developed by Homes England, are a series of key facts and figures on new homes and regeneration, created to support conversations with local communities.

They provide a fact-based resource for everyone to draw upon to effectively communicate the context and processes around new homes and regeneration.

The development of the fact sheet series has involved consultation with local government officers, community groups and industry experts.

New Homes fact sheet 9: What is affordable housing? – GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)

New Homes fact sheet 10: New homes in rural areas – GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)