The Kent Forum Housing Strategy was refreshed in 2012 to help enable organisations across the County to respond strategically to the new housing challenges that have emerged since the original Strategy was published in May 2011, including changes to the funding of new affordable homes and the forthcoming welfare reforms.
The Strategy describes the strategic direction for housing across Kent and Medway for the next three years, based on the local ambitions and aims of the Districts, Boroughs and Medway Council. It is unique in that it looks across a whole County area and brings District, Borough, Unitary and County Council ambitions together in a bottom-up approach.
It provides clarity on the major strategic housing challenges facing Kent and Medway, identifies common areas of concern and proposes pragmatic solutions on issues where a Kent and Medway perspective can add value and contribute to delivery of local ambitions.
The Strategy recognises that there is a great diversity of housing across Kent and Medway and that what is appropriate for one neighbourhood may not be right in another. There are significant differences in housing need, quality and condition, which are best dealt with in different ways. It does not propose a ‘one size fits all’ approach but provides a menu of solutions to assist authorities in achieving their local aims.
The Strategy is endorsed by the Kent Forum, who are the political Leaders and Chief Executives of the local authorities in Kent. Please use the following link to access the Kent Forum Housing Strategy 2012-15
To develop the refresh of the Strategy, we commissioned DTZ to undertake a County-wide Strategy Housing Market Assessment update, which can be found hereStrategy Market Assessment Update