This virtual event was chaired by Sharon Williams and questions were facilitated by Brian Horton. The event was attended by 57 participants.
Fiona MacGregor, Chief Executive of the Regulator of Social Housing covered:
- Progress and timelines
- Consumer Standards and assurance against them
- Tenant Satisfaction Measures
- Operating environment
- key messages:
- Core purpose and trade offs
- What we don’t know but should know
- Diversity needs and equality agenda
- Engagement and communication
- Stock and tenant profiling
- Sharing of good practice and lessons learned.
Mike McDonagh and Natalie Abrahams from We Are C.Co, Cipfa’s consultancy service delivered a presentation on who our customers are and why this is important. How to engage with customers and how to ensure engagement throughout every aspect of work along with measuring the impact and progress.
Bruce Moore from Housing 21 gave a presentation which covered resident engagement, involvement and accountability.
The presentations can be accessed on this website at White Paper Event – Kent Housing Group