Transforming Health and Social Care in Kent & Medway

On the 23 November 2016 the NHS, social care and public health leaders in Kent and Medway launched their draft Health and Social Care Sustainability and Transformation Plan (STP) that sets out how they think services need to change over the next five years to achieve the right care for people for decades to come.

A work in progress, it focuses on improving:

  • prevention of ill-health
  • local care – giving better access to care and support in people’s own communities
  • hospital care
  • mental health care.

It is the first time they have all worked together in this way and it gives them a unique opportunity to bring about positive and genuine improvement in health and social care delivery over the next five years.

To find out more, please read the summary document,Transforming health and social care in Kent and Medway (link below), which sets out more about what they want to achieve and their areas of focus. The full plan, a set of frequently asked questions, and a glossary are on all the CCG websites. Over coming months, the websites will also have information about engagement events and other ways that people can make their voices heard.

Transforming Health and Social Care Document

There is a survey for the public – Public Survey

Colleagues are encouraged to share these documents as widely as possible, encouraging people to complete the survey, and get involved in the discussions ahead. These Leaders in Kent and Medway want everyone in Kent and Medway who is interested in health and social care to have the chance to shape their plans
