What is the KHG Executive Board? In July 2009 the KHG carried out a review of its membership and Governance. Due to the growing number of member organisations within the group and the impact upon the ability to manage and deliver against agreed outcomes a decision was taken to create the KHG Executive Board.
How is the Executive Board set up? To ensure equal representation from across the County it was agreed that on the Executive Board there would be representation from three local authorities; three housing associations; Medway Council; Kent County Council (KCC) Corporate; KCC Supporting People; the Chair of the Joint Policy and Planning Board (Housing) and the Homes and Communities Agency. The aim of this set up is to ensure that the mid, east and west Kent views are represented through the local authority and housing association membership.
The Chair and Vice Chair of KHG are part of the Executive Board, representing one each of the local authority and housing associations members, other members are invited, when instructed to nominate themselves to be part of the Executive Board, an electronic vote is then undertaken.
The Executive Board meets six times a year, three of these meetings follow a main KHG meeting where are all member organisations are invited to attend.
Download the KHG Executive Board Terms of Reference.