Kent Engagement Sub Group (KEG)

Sub Groups / KHG

The Kent Engagement Group (KEG) is a sub group of the Kent Housing Group that has representation from across the local authority and housing association membership.  Those who attend are represented in their role as Tenant Participation/Resident Engagement or Community Development.  The group is currently meeting three times per year.

KEG has a role to ensure that they explore all opportunities to work in partnership and share good practice with regards to working successfully with all communities across Kent and Medway.  This group of members share good practice about all areas of engagement and have been successful in delivering two Tenant Conferences and two Tenant Training Programmes.

The KEG have developed a short film that highlights all the associated benefits of Resident Involvement to Housing organisations, this film provides good practice examples and is to be shared and viewed for other providers to learn from. KEG Resident Involvement Short Film



Key People

Lin Perkins
Vice -Chair
Sarah Tickner
Town and Country