Housing, Health and Social Care Sub Group

Sub Groups / KHG

The purpose of this sub group is to provide a forum for the housing organisations, NHS, public health and social care across Kent and Medway to take an overview of how housing, social care and health can work together to promote healthy places, communities and the health and wellbeing of individuals. This will be through stimulating innovative models of housing and social care, taking forward collaboratively the shift from reactive to preventative practice, and seizing the opportunities that public health approaches can deliver in partnership with housing teams and providers.

Our key objectives are:

  • To promote good health and prevent ill health, making it easier for those most at risk of poor health, or who have specific health needs, to access support and take action to help themselves and their families.
  • To encourage organisations involved with housing, social care and health to work together to create healthier communities

The Sub-Group will include representatives from:

  • District Councils
  • Social housing providers
  • The Kent Housing Options Sub-Group
  • The Kent Private Sector Housing Group
  • Public Health (Kent County Council/Medway Council)
  • Mental Health (Kent County Council)
  • Social Care and Occupational Therapy (Kent County Council/Medway Council)
  • Strategic Commissioning (Kent County Council)
  • The Kent Community Health NHS Foundation Trust (or other representative for NHS Local Care pathways)
  • The Kent and Medway Integrated Care System
  • South East Housing and Development Group
  • Growth, Environment & Transportation, Kent County Council



Key People

Helen Miller
Partnership Manager
Kent Housing Grouphelen.miller@ashford.gov.uk
Alison Simmons
Sevenoaks District Councilalison.simmons@sevenoaks.gov.uk