Kent High Priority Rehousing Reciprocal Scheme (KRS)


Kent Housing Options Group have reviewed and updated the Kent High Priority Rehousing Reciprocal Scheme (KRS).  The purpose of this reciprocal scheme is to provide guidance and procedure for a voluntary reciprocal arrangement between the twelve Kent authorities, excluding Medway. The guidance points within the scheme should only be only in exceptional circumstances, when it is necessary to
assist a household move from one borough to another. This scheme sets out a commitment from all local authorities to cooperate with regards not only the exporting of households, but the receiving of households.

The aim of the Kent reciprocal scheme is to assist the Local Housing Authorities across the county to meet statutory homelessness duties to prevent and relieve homelessness.

This updated Scheme and document was agreed in June 2020 and will be reviewed in September 2021.

Contact details for organisations was reviewed in December 2021.

Attached Documents

Document TitleSize
Final Kent High Priority Reciprocal Scheme (KRS) 235Kb