A Guide to Developing Affordable Homes in Rural Communities


The Housing Strategy and Enabling Group, sub group of the Kent Housing Group have reviewed and updated the KHG Guide to Developing Affordable Homes in Rural Communities Protocol.

The Kent Housing Group has a long standing commitment and success in supporting the delivery of affordable housing for the rural communities of Kent and Medway, this has been in partnership with a number of organisations, each of whom are passionate about protecting and invigorating our rural communities.

This Guide has been produced to address housing needs through the development of new affordable homes.   it will reflect and offer advice and information that is relevant for a broad audience, with the guide being split into useful Fact Sheets.    This guide has been updated and is one of many key objectives outlined within the Kent and Medway Housing Strategy, a county wide high level strategic plan that has been developed by Kent Housing Group over 2020.

Baroness Warwick, Chair of the National Housing Federation has produced the Foreword for this protocol and a video to support this is available to view here.

The protocol was launched ‘virtually’ on the 19th February 2021, providing an overview of the protocol aims and content and with support from Baroness Warwick and English Rural Housing Association.  Thank you noted to Action with Communities Rural Kent and English Rural HA for their support and participation in the launch.  To view the recording of the event please use the following LINK

This document was reviewed in June 2022.

Attached Documents

Document TitleSize
A Guide to Developing Affordable Homes in Rural Communities-
A guide to developing affordable rural housing June 2022967Kb