Excellence Awards 2024

The KHG Excellence Awards ceremony on 25th September celebrated the excellent work happening across the county in housing. Congrats to all of the winners and highly commended. We’d like to thank everyone who attended, and those whose contributions made the day special.

We send huge thanks to our generous sponsors: Case Management Solutions Group, GPML, Rosherville Repairs and Maintenance Ltd, South East Consortium and Southern Housing.

A big thank you to the KHG events group members who pulled together to plan and deliver the 2024 Awards Ceremony.

The winners and highly commended are listed below, with pictures from the day, thanks to our photographer Jeff Sims.

Category winners and highly commended

Excellence in Asset Management 

Presented by Marc Baines, SEC, sponsor of the Asset Management category.

Winner: Asset and Social Housing Decarbonisation Team, Folkestone and Hythe District Council

Highly Commended: Approach to Building Safety on Dampness & Mould, Gravesham Borough Council

Two people holding a certificate in front of a Kent Housing Group banner.

Highly Commended, Approach to Building Safety on Social Housing, Gravesham Borough Council

Marc Baines SEC presents Highly Commended crtificate to Nicole Arthur, Gravesham Borough Council

Associate Professional

Presented by Nicole Arthur, Rosherville Repairs and Maintenance Limited, sponsor of the Associate Professional category.

Winner, Elizabeth Evernden, Mears Limited

Elizabeth Evernden (R) collects her KHG Award from Nicole Arthur (L)


Highly Commended, Peter Tidy, Medway Norse

Nicole Arthur (L) presents the Highly Commended certificate to Peter Tidy, Medway Norse (R) in front of Kent Housing Group banners.


Excellent community project 

Presented by Tony Hughes, Southern Housing, sponsor of the Community Project category.

Winner: Recycled Furniture & Household Goods Project, Gravesham Borough Council and Ellenor Charity

Excellence in delivering services for vulnerable people

Presented by Ben Hunt, Case Management Solution Group, sponsor.

Winner: Chatham CFO Activity Hub Young Men’s Group, Interventions Alliance


Winner: Chatham CFO Activity Hub Women’s Project, Interventions Alliance


Excellence in development and regeneration

Presented by Josh Benton of GPML, sponsor

Winner: Cambridge Crescent Regeneration Project, Golding Homes

Josh Benton (L) presents KHG Award to Golding Homes


Highly Commended: Alfred, Hampshire and Somerset Close at mhs homes

Excellent housing professional

Presented by Tony Hughes, Southern Housing, sponsor

Winner: Vicky May, Gravesham Borough Council


Highly commended: Agnes Gehrke, Medway Council


Highly commended: Lin Perkins, Golding Homes


Innovator of the year

Presented by Ben Hunt, Case Management Solution Group, sponsor

Winner: Medway Legislative Theatre Project, Medway Council

Highly Commended: Ty Clayson, Thanet District Council

Excellent Partnership

Sponsored by Rosherville Repairs and Maintenance Ltd

Presented by Brian Horton, KHG Chair

Winner: Warm Homes Essentials Project, Kent County Council

A group of people getting an award.

Brian Horton (Chair KHG), presents award to Kent County Council Financial Hardship Programme. L-R: Jane Robinson, Vicky Lawrence-Rose, Steve Holdcroft, Tracy Veasey, Brian Horton, Hannah Chandler, Mark Groves, Lucy Alesbrook.

Highly Commended: Preventing Homelessness Through Sharing Data – Golding Homes, Maidstone Borough Council, Xantura

Presented by Nicole Arthur, Rosherville Repairs and Maintenance Limited, sponsor.


Highly Commended: Employment & Housing Project, Beam with Tunbridge Wells Borough Council

Excellence in the private sector

Presented by Josh Benton of GPML, sponsor

Winner: Home Energy Advice Team, Thanet District Council

Thanet District Council Home Energy Advice Team collects KHG award


Winner: Rosherville Repairs and Maintenance Ltd, Gravesham Borough Council

Rosherville, team accepts KHG award


Team of the year

Presented by Tony Hughes, Southern Housing, sponsor


Winner: Aftercare Team, Golding Homes

Golding Homes Aftercare Team, KHG Team of the year 2024

Highly Commended: Neighbourhood Housing Assistants, Moat

Moat Neighbourhood Housing Assistants Team collects KHG award

Unsung community hero/neighbour of the year

Presented by Nicole Arthur, Rosherville Repairs and Maintenance Ltd, sponsor

Winner: Maxi Card


Excellent young professional of the year

Presented by Marc Baines, SEC, sponsor

Winner: Rachael Blyth, Maidstone Borough Council


Winner: Freddie Bovingdon, Medway Council

Agnes Gehrke accepts the award on behalf of Freddie Bovingdon.


Winner: Emily Adlem, Ashford Borough Council

Highly commended: Hannah Reilly, mhs homes


Highly commended: Sabrina Goacher, Tunbridge Wells Borough Council

Highly commended: Harpreet Dhillon, Moat


Highly commended: Louise Leggett, Medway Council


Highly commended: Kieran Cooper, Thanet District Council


Special Recognition Award

Presented by Brian Horton, KHG Chair and sponsor of this award.

Shepherdswell with Coldred Community Land Trust, English Rural Housing Association








The Kent Housing Group Events sub group

L-R: Brian Horton, Lauren Wilson, Clare Reynolds, Nicola Bowen, Hannah Rourke, Becs Wilcox, Bede Uzoegbo, Sharon Irvine & Rachel Valerio. Helen Miller was unwell on the day but huge thanks to her too!