Launch of the Joint Working Protocol for Young People

Please note this event is archived. Please click here for upcoming events.

Date(s) - 18/03/2021
10:00 am - 12:15 pm

Over the last fifteen months a great amount of work has been undertaken by a range of partnership organisations to revise and now launch the Joint Working Protocol for Young People, partners involved in this revision include Kent County Council, the twelve District and Borough Councils across Kent with support from the Ministry of Housing Communities and Local Government.   This revised protocol is a reflection of the changes in legislation and commissioned services by the County Council, as well as combining two former protocols; Provision of Accommodation for Care Leavers and Addressing the Needs of Homeless Young People aged 16 and 17 in Kent.

KHG are hosting a launch of this revised protocol to share the key changes, to share awareness of why this protocol is important and to ensure that the commitment to ensure the best possible outcome for our young people is achieved, through access to inclusive independent advice enabling them to make informed decisions and choices across all elements of their lives.  This protocol is aimed at professionals and highlights the commitment to develop clear guidance for young people and there are supporting documents that support this process.   We do not want to limit the access to this event and who would benefit from attending so the invitation is for across the KHG membership and partners, it is important that everyone is committed to preventing young people from becoming homeless and understanding how this is possible through the joint approach agreed for Kent.

The agenda for this launch is now available to view and download using the link below

Agenda – Launch of the Kent Joint Working Protocol for Young People

The Protocol document and its supporting documents can be viewed and downloaded via this LINK

If you would like to attend please contact Rebecca Smith, Kent Housing Group Partnership Manager to confirm, please hold the date until this time and a meeting invite will be shared ahead of the session.   The launch will be virtual and will be hosted via Microsoft Teams and it will be recorded and the link and slides shared following the launch.
