Kent Tenancy Fraud Forum Launch

Please note this event is archived. Please click here for upcoming events.

Date(s) - 19/06/2017
10:00 am - 3:00 pm

Kent launched its Tenancy Fraud Forum today the 19th June 2017.

This is a new group under the umbrella of KHG reporting to the Neighbourhood Management Group and the national TFF, an opportunity to help combat Social Housing/Tenancy Fraud in the stock of Kent and Medway.

The summary notes and presentations are available to view and download, if you would like to be part of the core Committee for this new TFF please contact Debbie Dansey and Rebecca Smith by Monday 3rd July.

Thanks noted to our guest speakers

Chris Corker & Stuart Small – Crawley BC

David Reynolds and Clare Bryne – Lewes DC

Katrina Robinson – Optivo Housing

 Thanks also noted to Ashford BC for hosting and providing refreshments.

Attached Documents

Document TitleSize
Kent Tenancy Fraud Forum Launch Flyer16Kb
Kent TFF Launch Summary Notes23Kb
Debbie Dansey Presentation - Kent TFF188Kb
Crawley Presentation Kent TFF448Kb
Katrina Robinson Kent TFF Presentation191Kb