Kent Housing Options Group Full

Please note this event is archived. Please click here for upcoming events.

Date(s) - 27/05/2022
1:30 pm - 4:00 pm

A hybrid held on Teams and a room Maidstone Borough Council Offices for those preferring a face to face meeting.  If you wish to attend in person you must let HM know by 5pm on 23rd May so she can let the host know.

Attached Documents

Document TitleSize
Contain Outbreak Management Fund Update for KHOG May 202215Kb
DA reciprocal agreement Update for KHOG May 2212Kb
draft agenda KHOG LA 27th May 202233Kb
draft Meeting Notes KHOG March 202259Kb
KHOG KCC Commissioning Update May 2022928Kb
draft Meeting Notes KHOG May 202255Kb