Kent Housing Group are looking to share a collective response with regards to the following consultation. Ministry of Housing, Communities & Local Government are proposing to issue a new direction from the Secretary of State to the Regulator of Social Housing to ensure that, from 2020 onwards, the Regulator’s rent standard:
- reflects their announcement in October 2017 that they intend to permit registered providers to increase their rents by up to CPI+1% each year, for a period of at least 5 years; this announcement recognised the need for a stable financial environment to support the delivery of new homes
- applies to local authority registered providers (as well as to private registered providers), to reflect the roll out of Universal Credit
The direction also sets out the basis on which social rents and affordable rents are set.
The consultation is now open and closes on Thursday 8th November, the consultation is available to view using the current link Rents for social housing from 2020-21